Sea bass sweetheart pin with yellow lemon
Savoury recipeRecipe for 10 portions
- Sea bass - 60g
- Meaux mustard - 10g
- Salt and pepper - As required
- Olive oil - 10g
- Orange (zest) - 3 râpes
Finelychop up the sea bass fillet, season then add the coarse-grained mustard, oliveoil and orange zest.
Adjust seasoning with the slightly whipped yellow lemon, bag it and put inrefrigerator before using.
Serve this product very chilled.
Spread creamy butter on a slice of crustless white bread, and flatten with a rolle rbetween two sheets of plastic.
Cutup strips of 2 cm wide and 9 cm long, wrap them around a 2cm (in diameter )stainless steel tube then pinch close the two ends using a small wooden clothing pin.
Cook in the oven at 150°C. Set aside in a dry area (a week maximum).
Depending on your needs, using an icing bag filled with sea bass tartar, garnish each tube with the latter, lay on the plate and decorate each one with a small edible flower of your choice (a pansy for example).
Serve fairly quickly to keep the crispiness.