Foie gras ravioli, porcini mushroom cream, crispy & crunchy chestnuts

Savoury recipe
Lionel Lallement

Lionel Lallement

Chef at Saint Clair Le Traiteur in Paris, Lionel Lallement has been using his talent to combine textures and tastes for 30 years. Son and grandson of bakers and pastry makers, Lionel was the youngest ...


    • White onion - 120 g
    • Porcini mushrooms - 900 g
    • Chicken broth - 800 g
    • Whipped cream - 50 g
    • Salt and pepper - As required
    • Olive oil - As required

    Peel and chop the white onions. 

    Clean, wash and then cut the Porcini mushrooms, into large pieces.  

    Sweat the onions, add the mushrooms and cook on low heat until it has a puree consistency. Pour in the chicken broth and cook for 30 minutes, filter through a sieve. Season then add whipped cream before serving.



    • Flour T45 - 500 g
    • Egg yolk - 260 g
    • Egg - 50 g

    Knead the dough until smooth.

    Cover in plastic wrap and set aside.

    Let sit overnight at +3°C.  Using a rolling-pin, spread out the ravioli dough as thin as possible then cut into small squares of 3.5 cm on each side.



    • Ravioli dough - As required
    • Foie gras - As required

    Lay a small square of half-cooked Foie Gras, 1.5cm on each side.

    Wet the sides using a brush dipped in water. 

    Cover with the other small dough-square and carefully pinch down the sides all around. 

    Bring the chicken broth to a slow boil and poach the raviolis for more or less 45 seconds then gently strain and place on an oiled plate. Film wraps and set aside.


    In a small cup, pour in the boiling crème de Porcini and on top, place a small warm Foie Gras ravioli lightly dipped in a little reduced duck sauce seasoned with Balsamic vinegar then sprinkle over some chestnut shavings which you’ll have made by having them defrost and then grate finely. Serve immediately. 

    This creation may be accompanied by a small bread sticks on which you’ll have place a bite of Foie Gras sprinkled with chestnut bits (the chestnut bits left over after having made the strips). Make sure the cup is warm, the bread stick crunchy and the Foie Gras fresh so as to have different textures and temperature in the mouth when tasting.

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