Fruitology® - The evaluation of a fruit purée

Fruitology® - The evaluation of a fruit purée

Good practices of fruit tasting



Prior to tasting, It is recommended that tasters do not consume products that may leave a strong aftertaste (where perception persists for a long period) during the 30 minutes prior to the tasting session. This is a way to avoid altering the tasting “tool”, i.e. the olfactive and tasting organs.
Therefore, products such as coffee, tea, chewing gum, tobacco, etc. are to be avoided.


During the tasting session, It is imperative to respect a well-determined order in the tasting process: this will always be programmed on the basis of growing intensity, thus limiting the effect of a previously-consumed product to lessen its impact on the perception of the next product to be consumed.



For example, an unsweetened product will always be tasted before a sweetened product, so that the aromatic subtleties of the first product are not affected by the sugar of the second one. In the same way, very acidic or sour products, such as citrus fruits or passion fruit will be tasted at the end of the session.






How to describe a fruit purée?


Prior to tasting :


Evaluation of aspect
before mixing:

Evaluation of texture

in a spoon:

Evaluation of


Color Viscosity Intensity
Cleanliness Syrupy Perfume
Aeration Heterogeneity  
Graininess Pulpy  


During tasting:




Evaluation of taste:

Somesthesic evaluation:

Aromatic intensity Astringency  
Persistence Metallic  
Basic tastes: (sweetness, bitterness, sourness) Tingly  
Aromatic notes Temperature  
Off notes Lumpy  
  Mouth coating  




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